The Truth About Puppies:
When you purchase your cute, adorable, fluffy little puppy from the sterile, and sparkly clean front-desk of a pet store, this is what goes on behind in producing those puppies (these are images of breeding dogs kept in a puppy mill):
Note: All images remain the copyright of their owners and the Dog Mill Rehomers project. Unauthorized usage of these images will be pursued through legal channels.
These images are taken courtesy of our friend, Davis.
Permission has been obtained to use these images in this blog.
Three beautiful babies, yearning for attention.
Overused, underloved.
Yearning to get out..the world outside the cages is alien..
Before we came, this cage was their universe.
Imagine, if someone treated *YOU* like this..
Imagine: the suffering, the pain, the hopeless loneliness..
His imploring eyes say, "Food?"
Sad, lost eyes..
Yearning for company in his cold, lonely cell
Will I ever be loved?
A life of misery...suffering...endlessly...a life now controlled by fear
A life of suffering. No one loved her, or cared about her pain until we found her..
Sad, lost eyes : A tortured life spent in service to greed and avarice.
A world of dark, dank, hopelessness.
Elongated nipples from over-feeding without respite
Plagued by a battery of maladies, our volunteers work hard to bring comfort to them.
Nowhere to go, this was their living and their dying place
Their innocence betrays the immeasurable sadness of their stories.
A life of captivity..
Ticks and hunger were their constant companions..
Females start breeding at the tender age of 6 months or less.
The lack of care and concern is appalling.
Sleeping it off..
Pain and suffering...and they don't even know why.
So please, adopt your dog. Break the chain of supply and demand and alleviate some suffering from this world. Educate your friends. Be part of something bigger.
Resignation is her reality.
Filled with questions and wonderment: this baby follows our every move.
A once-beautiful dog, reduced to a shadow of it's former self
So please, adopt your dog. Break the chain of supply and demand and alleviate some suffering from this world. Educate your friends. Be part of something bigger.