Friday, August 20, 2010

on the Merlin Principle

Exorcising my thoughts,

So much had transpired that I do not know where to begin. Should I begin from the past: an unfurling of lazy memories nitpicked from the shores of my mind? Should I begin from the future: a rewinding of Time, as if all that could be, has been; or from this Presentness, an entropy of consciousness that permeates all your livings and your dyings.

I see the elegance of the work of transformation, and I see in it the calling of a Project that aligns itself to the conversation of humanity. I see the clear blue sky, adorned with infinitesimal antiquity, its nature unchangingly, as such, blotted by the passing of rainy dreams.

And I speculate: What kind of conversations would humanity have, should Suchness come to pass into our collective Being.

We grumble, gossip, gripe and groan against the weight of a livingness that extends beyond our interpretations of our experiences. We generate suffering that seeks to infect others by demanding the consensus of total Agreement. Some seek to spread lies and stories, some seekto sow suffering and pain, some for the right to make others wrong, whilst some to erect a canopy of illusionary worship over the free minds of Man.

Having distinguished the suchness of Language, I see that I am not beyond or below, neither with nor without, the experience of my Being. My freedom is in my experience, is in my choice, is in my flow and ebb and pointed dancing toes.

I create you in my creating, and I am created in your creating. The Universe stretches to the boundaries of my experience. A playground of an Infinite Universe, and all of space and time is Centered.