Thursday, September 25, 2008

the little things

The kiss of two beautiful babies. (not mine!)

Say cheese!

Rafee! Pretty boy!

and not forgetting Patch (the dog) and Percy (the cat)!

I have a fondness for dogs with short hair and perky ears! Just like how I like my guys! Haha.

Hmmm. Maybe not the ears part.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Watch this above first, then watch the one below:

Cheered me up!

"Thanks thanks thanks thanks"

This had to be shared.

I love Leslie,  but this is pretty funny: especially the gyrating girls - I could NOT look away.

'cos im on a roll.

Monday, September 22, 2008

above all else

The sunday morning sun bore down upon us as we prepped ourselves for the day ahead: each bound here by the common, unspoken passion for scaling the limits of height and mind. 

Comradeship permeated the air as words of encouragement bolstered the climbers; invisible cushions of support and strength weaved from the threads of laughter and sweat. A solo-sport in style, a community-sport in spirit: I love climbing.

Beatrix doing her stuff.

Getting ready for the day.

One knot, many hands.


Me: reaching for the sky.

The view from the top is awesome.


My lifeline.

Which led us to be Level 1 certified.

One step closer to Level 2!


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


We were supposed to catch Wild Ocean at the Omnimax Theatre, but it turns out that the Science Centre is closed on Mondays!! Who would have thought that the quest for knowledge rests on Mondays? This is a valuable lesson to all ye geeks out there: maketh of google beforeth embarking on strange journeys.

So we traipsed across the landscape of Science,

and encountered weird beasts and violent fauna. 

Oh well.

And I recieved this yesterday,


Yay. Now I can terrorise aunties on the road.

Friday, September 12, 2008

target affixed

:: Me in 1 months time ::

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nike Human Race

Sleek raindrops danced on our backs as clouds gathered above a massive sea of red.

The air was humid, but thick with festive anticipation; groups mingled in their corners, smiles were traded and tucked away quickly.

The day was just beginning.

An endless wave of crushing bodies surged forward as excited feet tapped in time to the loud, mind-numbing music.

The sticky air relented as we exchanged warm words all around. I tipped on my toes to glance over the countless heads; I could not see the racefront.

A DJ blared over the speaker as we started the imminent countdown.

The game was on.

56 minutes later,

I looked back on the race:

The constant distraction of cute boy marshals;

shit. which direction was I supposed to go again?

the constant distraction of cute boy runners;

the susurrus of my devil saying,

"come on, just walk lah";

there was no other player,

just me and myself.

And we celebrated life.

And the start of something crazy.

More runs to come.

reintro plz?


My sabbatical; this artless sojourn in a cybernetic purgatory, shall cease.

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

Such a paradoxical venture, this: to exercise caution or let loose to the winds?