Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nike Human Race

Sleek raindrops danced on our backs as clouds gathered above a massive sea of red.

The air was humid, but thick with festive anticipation; groups mingled in their corners, smiles were traded and tucked away quickly.

The day was just beginning.

An endless wave of crushing bodies surged forward as excited feet tapped in time to the loud, mind-numbing music.

The sticky air relented as we exchanged warm words all around. I tipped on my toes to glance over the countless heads; I could not see the racefront.

A DJ blared over the speaker as we started the imminent countdown.

The game was on.

56 minutes later,

I looked back on the race:

The constant distraction of cute boy marshals;

shit. which direction was I supposed to go again?

the constant distraction of cute boy runners;

the susurrus of my devil saying,

"come on, just walk lah";

there was no other player,

just me and myself.

And we celebrated life.

And the start of something crazy.

More runs to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, the race was quite nice :)