Thursday, July 21, 2005

introducing Ginger

Harlo, human friends! My name is Ginger the Cat and I will be your cute, furry, orange bundle of joy for this special season of "Ahbeng Meows(x2) On The Streets!" Actually, the yandao who I share this blog with thought that I am being too rude calling ourselves AhBengCats, 'cos he scared that human ah bengs might find it offensive and pour red paint outside his house! Red paint is so last year loh. But whatever man. Hum Chee Kia! I can call myself the AhBengMeowTow if I like ok, cos those pussy cats like us bad kitties! Who stop us? Gahmen meh? *purrs* Bad cats get all the sex, you know! See, my attitude face, how sexy can? Those pussies cannot resist! *licks paws*
But anyways! I am here to be the guide to my many many kakis in the neighbourhoods! We roam the streets like police like that, and do nothing but suntan in the sun every day woh! Shiok anot?? Envy anot?? But cats life is like that mah...Sometimes I bored until stare at the wall you know? So sad....Ah..And hor, I stay in this small city called Singapore, where everything is so well fed and clean that even the mouses are bigger than meeeeeeow. The last one I fight in the drain almost take my tail home as a trophy, damn malu. =_=" Imagine what my friends would say? No tail like impotent like that...Very sad one.
Anyways, I will slowly slowly introduce you to all my beautiful feline friends! They have wonderful personalites and dreams too (but are usually too lazy to get on it). We may not have a home loh, but at least we have character ok!
*meow out*

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