Monday, May 04, 2009

great job Singapore!

Great Job Singapore!

I am proud of the vast majority of Singaporean women. I am proud of the women who have taken a stand against the absurd accusations made against the old guard and the directives espoused by the new guard. I am proud of the enlightened views held by the many different civil sectors, waged against the small-mindedness of the few who seeks disparity through an ideological hegemony. I am proud of the Christians in Singapore who have stood up against the deliberate actions of a certain brand of other Christians who sully their religion through ignoble actions and Dominionism. I am so proud of the democratic process that has allowed for this amazing development to happen; I am proud of you ladies!

Good job Singapore!

On the other hand : I am ashamed of individuals like Thio and her cohort; bigots who crusade their brand of social idealism under the facade of equality. Individuals who possess nothing but their personal agendas; individuals with no actual accreditation in social welfare work, beyond that of self-labeling/promotion (feminist mentor? dean of the law faculty! wow! "My name is on the page 73!", "show some respect to your elders!"). I am ashamed of the backward individuals who continue to live in the backyards of their faith, who continually regress whilst the world moves forward. I am ashamed of religious figureheads abusing the sacred pulpit by disseminating errant ideas to their attentive flocks; the attempted mobilization of a religious body against a secular one, on grounds a perceived threat against the imaginary boundaries of their "One Nation Under God" ideology ; apologies or not, the initial intent is distasteful and outright disgusting.  Religions for mindcontrol, no? 

Shame on you!

The silver lining of this entire episode is, perhaps, the extraordinary attention AWARE that has been lavished upon AWARE. Attention that has generated an unprecedented level of activism amongst Singaporeans: women or men. Attention that will hopefully spur Singapore forward on the path of openness and acceptance, regardless of race, language, religion or sexual orientation.

PS: Watch the first new guard media conference @
You'll laugh your brains out.

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